Orban threatens the media and human rights defenders in Hungary — what happened
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:03:00 +0200

Orban seeks to destroy Hungarys independent mediaIn a conspiracylaced address that coincided with a national holiday commemorating the 1848 Hungarian Revolution against Habsburg rule, Viktor Orbn told a group of several thousand select supporters that Hungary would liquidate media outlets and other organizations that receive funding from abroad in the coming weeks, comparing such groups to insects.
After todays festive gathering, Easter cleaning will begin.
The insects have overwintered.
Viktor OrbaPrime Minister of Hungary We are dismantling the financial machine that used corrupt dollars to buy politicians, judges, journalists, pseudoNGOs, and political activists.
We are eliminating the entire shadow army.Orban, who has been in power since 2010, has in recent years used the March 15 celebration as a platform from which to make increasingly hostile statements against the EU, of which Hungary has been a member since 2004.
He has often compared the EU to the Soviet Union, which occupied and repressed Hungary for nearly five decades in the 20th century, and has vowed to occupy the offices of power in Europe.
Now, following the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, the Hungarian leader has accelerated his longstanding efforts to crack down on critics such as the media, human rights and anticorruption groups, which he says are undermining Hungarys sovereignty by receiving financial aid from international donors.
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