Ursula von der Leyen wins prestigious European Union Prize
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:01:00 +0200

Ursula von der Leyen wins prestigious Charlemagne PrizeThis was reported on the website of the prestigious European award on January 15.In justifying their decision, the 19 members of the executive board note that the head of the EC is a strong voice for Europe in the world.
The European model of life, based on freedom, peace, democracy and prosperity, is under threat.
The world order is changing and Europe must act.
Ursula von der Leyen is the person who has this strategic mission for the European Union and who will deliver it.
When Russia launched a brutal war of aggression against Ukraine in February 2022, the dictator in the Kremlin also bet on the disunity of Europeans.
In vain.Instead, von der Leyen was able to declare that from the very first moment, the entire continent showed solidarity, and the EU rose to the challenge and responded quickly, taking in over 4 million refugees from Ukraine and mobilizing over 130 billion euros in humanitarian, economic, and military aid.
At the same time, the European Commission has provided more than a dozen sanctions packages against the Russian aggressor, as well as the freezing of the Russian Central Banks funds in the EU alone, amounting to more than 210 billion euros.Together with allies around the world, the EU provided collective, solidaritybased military support to Ukraine in its defensive war.
Soon after, Ukraine officially acquired the status of a candidate country for the EU and the following year, it was decided to start accession negotiations.It also notes the role of the European Commission in reducing dependence on Russian energy resources after the Kremlins attempt to blackmail the EU with their supplies became apparent at the beginning of the war of aggression.
Also mentioned are Germanys special achievements in containing the coronavirus pandemic, the impetus for the implementation of the Green Deal, through which the EU seeks to become climate neutral by 2050.
Charlemagne Prize what is knowThe International Charlemagne Prize was established shortly after World War II and is today considered the most important award for achievements in the cause of European unification.
It is awarded annually in Aachen.Von der Leyen, 66, has been president of the European Commission since 2019.
She was confirmed for a second term after the European Parliament elections in June last year, in which her centerright EPP alliance won the most votes.
Before moving to Brussels, the conservative politician served as Germanys defense minister for six years.As reported, among the laureates of the first prize were President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky 2023, Chancellors of Germany Konrad Adenauer and Angela Merkel, former Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill, von der Leyens predecessor as President of the European Commission JeanClaude Juncker, and President of France Emmanuel Macron, and many other figures.
Traditionally, the award is presented on the Ascension of the Lord.
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