Lubinets reported the return of 5 more children from the Ukrainian TOT
Sat, 29 Mar 2025 13:03:39 +0200

Five more Ukrainian children reunited with their familiesAccording to Dmytro Lubinets, the return of young Ukrainians was possible thanks to the mediation of a constant partner the State of Qatar.The children are aged from 11 to 16.
They were returned from the TOT of Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Zaporizhia.
Among those returned is a 12yearold girl whose parents are divorced and whose father is in captivity in the aggressor country.
Over the three years of the fullscale invasion, the girl has changed her place of residence twice and has had conflicts with her mother.
The minors mental and physical health has significantly deteriorated over the past year.
Dmytro Lubinets Ukrainian Ombudsma Dmytro Lubinets team has already helped the grandmother obtain custody of the girl.
In addition, the girl will be provided with all necessary assistance.
We also managed to save a boy who lived with his father in a temporary shelter, but was constantly suffering from harsh treatment from him.The childs mother contacted the Ombudsmans Office and was finally able to reunite with her son.
I would like to add that the employees of the Ombudsmans Office, within the framework of considering applications for the return of these children to Ukraine, constantly communicated with the applicants and assisted them in preparing the necessary documents for return, Lubinets added.
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