Karpyuk reacted harshly to Arestovych's statement about the shooting of prisoners of war
Sat, 25 Jan 2025 19:01:00 +0200

Karpyuk revealed his version of Arestovichs biographyAccording to the volunteer, there are many dark spots in the biography of the former OPU advisor that the general public does not know about.Oleksandr Karpyuk notes that Oleksiy Arestovych did indeed graduate from the Higher Military Educational Institution VVNI, but he did not devote time to his studies, but focused his attention on performing in the theater.Despite this, his education at the Military Academy gave him the opportunity to address those who fought with the phrase I tell you as an officer to an officer...
With the outbreak of the war in 2014, he did not join the army, for which he received a lot of criticism, because before the war he presented himself as a real soldier on social networks, and here a hero is running from the military registration and enlistment office.
Arestovich turned to the Right Sector Medved to sign up for him.
Marusya, Medved and Arestovich made a post on the topic No, Arestovich is not a scythian who is running from the military registration and enlistment office, so he is such a volunteer in the Right Sector this is a free interpretation of what was in the post, he most likely had nothing to do with the official PS.
How Arestovych ended up in the 72nd BrigadeAccording to Oleksandr Karpyuk, in 2018 Arestovych selected a position for himself in the 72nd Brigade.Despite the fact that he had no experience, he received a fairly high staff position assistant to the deputy commander of the intelligence brigade.
Absolutely rear position, no combat sorties, its all a lie, there is not a single combat order that Arestovich participated in reconnaissance sorties.
And he couldnt, because servicemen with this level of clearance dont go on raids.
However, as it turned out, there werent many adventures at the headquarters of the 72nd Brigade, so sometimes Arestovich hung out as a tourist with the groups that worked in the brigades sector.The volunteer notes that his tasks were not too difficult or responsible, for example, sitting in the trench behind and watching from afar how real guys work.According to Kostyuk, Arestovych did not know how to engineer and did not even know how to shoot.At one such moment, snipers arrived to work on the line of the 72nd Brigade, one of whom was the best instructor from all sniper schools Roman Selikhov.
Arestovych took it upon himself to organize a way out for these snipers, because such cool guys had arrived, we had to hang out with them As a result, the group entered a position that had been previously mined by the enemy and there was information about this, Arestovych simply did not know about it, although it was his functional duty.
Roma Selikhov died from an explosion on an OZM mine.
Yes, the same OZM that Arestovych had bragged about exploding.
The former OPU traitor himself managed to survive because he was walking behind the whole time, on a lead, at a safe distance.According to the volunteer, in addition to Roman Selikhov, a soldier from the 72nd brigade with the call sign Poltava was also killed.
The second sniper miraculously survived, having been wounded.
Thats how the best sniper instructor died.
After that, the 72nd went into a frenzy, because what the fck was the assistant deputy brigade commander taking part in the sortie at all, without a combat order or anything else Why was there such complete idiocy in planning the sortie, which led to the deaths of the fighters They terminated the contract with Arestovich, as far as I know, he only served for 10 months.
They got him off the court, according to Arestovichs investigation, there were no guys at the scene of the deaths.
Everyone turned a blind eye.
Kostyuk draws attention to the fact that it was after this tragedy that Arestovychs fabrications about the OZM, from which he miraculously survived, and stories about 33 combat sorties appeared.Many Ukrainian soldiers want to talk to Arestovych face to faceAs the volunteer notes, the former OPU advisor should have remained silent about the tragedy in the 72nd Brigade, because if they start an impartial investigation, then he should go to jail.However, they say, even this doesnt stop Arestovich.
A person who has spent his whole life imitating a soldier, knows nothing about military affairs, that is, has absolutely no military skills, although 10 years of war have passed, came to the Armed Forces of Ukraine only after deciding on a convenient position, got involved in combat work, which ended with the death of valuable specialists, and then lied about those events has no right to dictate how someone should die.
According to Kostyuk, when Arestovych returns to Ukraine, he will meet a large number of military personnel who would like to talk to him personally.
Ever since the time when he criticized Zhuravly, who, being wounded, decided not to surrender, but to crawl to his own people, even though the separatists were closer.
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