Trump’s betrayal of Ukraine has emboldened Putin and pulled the rug from under Nato allies | Simon Tisdall
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:00:42 +0200

The ramifications of the presidents appeasement of Russia will be felt widely, not least in the alliance he recklessly underminedIn Graham Greenes 1955 novel, The Quiet American, Alden Pyle, a CIA agent, reckons he has all the answers to conflict in colonial era Vietnam.
Pyles ignorance, arrogance and dangerous scheming, intended to bring peace, result instead in the deaths of many innocents and ultimately his own.
In todays tooreal, nonfiction world, Donald Trump is Pyle.
Except hes The Noisy American.He thinks hes a great dealmaker.
He never stops trumpeting his brilliance.
Yet his North Korea deal of the century was a fiasco.
He handed Afghanistan to the Taliban on a plate.
Israels Benjamin Netanyahu runs rings around him.
Now TrumpPyle proposes another rubbish deal selling out Ukraine.
Americas very own surrender monkey is Vladimir Putins useful idiot.
No matter how officials spin it, Trumps concessions, made before ceasefire talks with Russia even begin, are calamitous, primarily for Ukraine but also for Europes security, the transatlantic alliance, and other vulnerable targets, such as Taiwan.
As stated, Trumps giveaways accepting the loss of sovereign Ukrainian territory to Russian aggression, denying Nato membership to Kyiv, withholding US security guarantees and troops are shameful appeasement, amounting to betrayal.
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