For the first time, the government ordered dozens of scientific developments from Ukrainian scientists. What are we talking about
Mon, 20 Jan 2025 15:01:05 +0200
What is known about the governments order for the first scientific developments from Ukrainian scientists We are changing the approach to science previously, scientists themselves chose what to work on.
Last year, various ministries, including the Ministry of Digital Economy, formed a technical task force for scientific developments.
Today, the Government approved a list of developments that scientists are already putting into work, the minister emphasized.
In what areas are scientific developments plannedAccording to him, we are talking about developments in the following areasstrengthening national securitydevelopment of energy technologies for producing hydrogen fuelagricultural production overcoming the consequences of hostilities on agricultural landdevelopment of medical technologies new methods of treatment and diagnosis of oncological diseases, development of rehabilitation medicine based on AIovercoming the consequences of the environmental disaster, which concerns the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station and the destruction of the Kakhovka reservoirdigitalization and artificial intelligence.Fedorov noted that scientists will have two years to develop solutions in these areas and a separate budget for their implementation of over UAH 186 million.Developments must be ready for practical use to strengthen defense and develop the economy.
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