Ukraine's Ombudsman wants to get from Russia lists of Ukrainian POWs for urgent exchange
Sun, 03 Nov 2024 04:58:40 +0200
Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, has said that he wants to receive from his Russian counterpart all the lists of Ukrainian prisoners of war POWs whom Russia is ready to return immediately.
Source Lubinets on Telegram Quote As the Ombudsman of Ukraine, I would like to receive from the Russian Ombudsman all the lists of Ukrainian prisoners of war whom Russia is urgently ready to return Details The Ombudsman added that the Russian side recently stated that Ukraine does not accept the return of some of its POWs.
Quote That is why I appeal to the Russian Ombudsman to provide me with these lists of Ukrainian citizens After all, Ukraine is always ready to accept all the lists and all our citizens We are always ready to exchange prisoners of war We adhere to the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law Details Lubinets noted that the exchange process is usually slowed down by Russia, which uses it as a method of influencing Ukrainian society.
Background The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War conducted the 58th exchange of prisoners of war as 95 more Ukrainian defenders returned home in October.
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